jeudi 30 avril 2015

MYL 1.1

Dear Haniwa
I am writing to apply to be one of the settlers in friendly planet abroad.

Having studied the possibilities in this new planet and demands for food and water will be of new concern to a group of emigrants. As a professional botanist and gardener for over thiry years, this will be a great opportunity for work alongside other Nature experts to create and install a sustainable living by exploring its land to understand the possibility, grow food, create a natural environment that keeps the living order calm and satisfactory.
My family are very supportive of this non returnable journey and if you have space for a couple of mountain gorillas, a giraffe and a dog, they might be of some contribution to the society; they will make excellent compay.
Thank you for reading this letter; looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,
Aetova Dawn

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