La forme d'autorité que je souhaiterais voir instaurée à bord du Haniwa :
Etape 2: lorsque c'est fait, racontez comment vous retrouvez la trace de vos bagages (les fameux trente kilos dans un demi-mètre cube). Arrêtez votre récit au moment où vous avez enfin mis la main dessus.
Step 1: before you retrieve your personal belongings, please sign in on the Haniwa social network: "H2O". Present your personnarrator to the whole passenger crew, as though you were filling up a personal profile. You are free to make up the questionnaire items, as long as the last one is thus :
The kind of authority I would like to see implemented aboard the Haniwa :
Step 2: when you are done with this, describe how you manage to eventually retrieve your luggage (those thirty kilos in a half cubic meter). Stop your narrative at the very moment your hands lay on your baggage.
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